Thursday, November 3, 2011
Does Newt Gingrich Have a Chance in 2012
Gingrich has quietly been gaining support over the last couple months. There have been several shifts in the 2012 GOP Presidential polls since the debates begun. The biggest loser in the debates has been Rick Perry. In my opinion, he has no chance to win the nomination. People want someone who is prepared for the debates, and Perry does not appear to be prepared in any of the debates. The GOP does not want someone who can’t debate against President Obama in the 2012 Presidential debates. This is one of Obama’s main strengths, so conservatives need someone who can effectively debate against Obama in 2012. Perry does not have the skills to be able to do this effectively, and it would hurt him if he was nominated in 2012.
The biggest winners in the debates so far have been Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney has done well too, but he was already a front-runner among the GOP candidates. Herman Cain has gone from an unknown candidate to the GOP superstar in recent weeks, and it is expected that he will continue to be popular as the debates move on.
Newt Gingrich has gained popularity too as more and more people see how he does in the debates. He has an ability to articulate and explain his positions on major policy initiatives unlike many of the other candidates in the race. Most people only know Gingrich as the candidate who resigned from the House of Representatives in the 1990s in the midst of many scandals plaguing the government at the time. They know him as the Republican who has been divorced multiple times. They don’t know the real Newt Gingrich, but they are seeing what he really believes today.
Does Newt Gingrich have a chance in 2012? If he can find a way to win the GOP nomination in 2012, then he has a good chance to win!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
What Does Herman Cain Stand For - He Has a Chance To Win It All
What does Herman Cain Stand for?
Many people are asking what does Herman Cain stand for in this election. After the GOP presidential debate in Florida, Herman Cain’s popularity is soaring in recent polls, and people want to know what Cain believes. He won the Florida GOP Presidential straw poll. Cain has spent most of his life in the private sector, so his beliefs on many issues are not as clear as most candidates. He is not a lifetime politician, and he is best known as an entrepreneur and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. He left Godfather’s Pizza in 1996, and he later became the CEO of the National Restaurant Association. Cain entered into the political arena as a senior economic advisor for the Bob Dole for President campaign in 1996.
Herman Cain Views on Healthcare
Cain is famous for a debate he had with President Bill Clinton in the early 1990s. At the time, Cain was the President-elect of the National Restaurant Association. Bill Clinton was pushing for the healthcare reform law, and Cain was highly critical of the effect of healthcare laws on small business. Herman Cain was one of the primary opponents of the healthcare law that Bill and Hillary wanted to pass. Cain asked Clinton how he was supposed to explain to his employees that he was laying them off as a result of the healthcare mandate that Clinton wanted to pass. Clinton tried to explain away the terrible legislation by stating that the government would subsidize small business, but Cain countered that Clinton’s assertions were inaccurate and that things simply don’t work that way.
Herman Cain Views on Taxes
Cain has recently come out with a new tax plan that many conservatives seem to like. Cain recently unveiled his 9-9-9 tax plan. The idea is that the American tax system would be completely overhauled. There would be a 9 percent flat income tax, a 9 percent corporate tax, and a 9 percent national sales tax. In the video Cain released to the public, he states he believes the chain of taxes is keeping the American economy from growing. While some conservatives are concerned about his position on this, most conservatives seem to like the idea of a simplified tax code. Under this plan, the capital gains tax is eliminated, and you are taxed for the things you spend money on. Overall, the plan seems much better than what we have now. No one is asking what does Herman Cain stand for on taxes, as he has presented his plan to America.
Cain’s Position on Foreign Policy
Herman Cain has little experience in foreign policy, and this is due to the fact that he has never held political office. As time goes on, we may learn more Cain, but this is an area that appears to be unfamiliar to Cain. If you want to know what does Herman Cain stand for on foreign policy issues, it appears we do not know where he stands at this time.
Cain’s Religious Beliefs
Cain is an associate minister at Antioch Baptist Church North located in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a born again Christian and would likely support Christian values as President of the United States. Cain has also made comments regarding Shariah Law. He feels that Muslims are trying to slowly ease Shariah Law into the United States government.
What does Herman Cain stand for? We are still learning his beliefs on many of the important issues today, but as his popularity explodes, we are learning more and more about where he stands on the issues. He has done well in the debates, and it appears he would be a formidable candidate against Barack Obama in 2012.
Other secrets of Herman Cain here!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What Does Rick Perry Believe On the Issues Voters Really Care About
What does Rick Perry believe on the issues voters care about? Let’s be honest here for a second. Many people are out of work. Other people have jobs, but they aren’t making enough money to pay the bills. You might love your job and love your income, but you are stuck in a house that is under water. It is estimated that over 25% of all homeowners are underwater on their homes, and this presents many challenges for people who need to move.
People care about healthcare and how it is handled. Polls have shown over and over again that people don’t want ObamaCare. Businesses hate ObamaCare because they aren’t going to be able to afford to pay for all these new burdensome regulations associated with healthcare, and that means many companies are going to have to drop employee paid health benefits in the coming years.
In my opinion, the economy is the big issue that most voters care about more than anything else. It’s the economy stupid! Jobs, the housing market, and healthcare all play huge factors in the health of the economy.
What does Rick Perry believe on the issues voters care about?
Governor Rick Perry on Job Growth
Perry has a stellar track record on job creation. As the Governor of Texas, Perry’s state leads the nation in job growth over the past few years. While jobs have been disappearing across the country, many businesses have relocated to Texas because of their business friendly environment. Perry has demonstrated an ability to drive new jobs in the state even when the rest of the country can’t seem to find work.
This phenomenon has been dubbed the “The Texas Miracle”. While many states have been losing population, Texas is gaining population quickly. There are 739,000 new people living in Texas since the beginning of 2008. Many other states are losing population, but Texas continues to grow fast.
Texas has created more jobs than any state over the past three and a half years. Some states have actually lost jobs in this time. Even though their unemployment rate is at 8.2% at the time of this writing, their unemployment rate is higher than some other states because their population is increasing rapidly.
Governor Perry and the Housing Market
The state of Texas has some of the most affordable housing in the country. You can purchase a 2,000 sq. ft. house for $140,000 here, and that attracts more people to live in Texas.
Unlike most of the rest of the United States, Texas hasn’t seen the same fluctuations in the housing market.
While it is somewhat unclear how Perry might try to solve the housing crisis, it is clear that Perry’s economic policies would serve to stimulate the housing market by creating jobs and encouraging small business growth.
Perry on Healthcare
What does Rick Perry believe about healthcare? Perry has said he is firmly against Obamacare. In the recent GOP debate at the Reagan Presidential Library, he said he wants to do away with Obamacare, and he believes that the new healthcare laws are keeping unemployment high.
If you really want to know what does Rick Perry believe, then you need to study up on all of the issues on your own! Perry has a long track record as the Governor of Texas, so voters won’t have to guess about Perry on the issues if he is elected the next President of the United States.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What Does Ron Paul Stand For
Many conservatives know what Mitt Romney stands for, but what does Ron Paul stand for? What does Ron Paul believe? Ron Paul is a different kind of Republican. He often leans more as a libertarian candidate than as a Republican. He does not fit all of the standard GOP positions, but he is strong on issues that matter to most Republicans. He is most well-known for his positions on military and the economy, and many people like what he says. He is the candidate most likely to run as a third party candidate if he doesn’t win the GOP nomination. This could be detrimental to the likely Republican nominee if he pulls too much support from the elected Presidential candidate.
So…do you want to know what does Ron Paul stand for? Here we go!
Ron Paul on states’ rights
Ron Paul is a strong supporter of states’ rights. He believes that the states should be much more powerful than they are today. He believes the individual states should be able to make their own decisions regarding any social matters that are not explicitly directed by the constitution. He thinks the death penalty should be regulated by the states. He also believes the states should make their own decisions about education and marriage too. He even believes states should be able to make their own decisions regarding drug use like medical marijuana.
Ron Paul economic policy
If you want to know what does Ron Paul stand for, you first need to know where he stands on economic policies. Ron Paul has written six books on Austrian school economics. Paul always votes against tax increases. Ron Paul is against raising taxes under any circumstances. He even feels that the country should abolish the state income tax, and he believes this can be done if we scale back the spending in the Federal government to 2000 levels. Ron Paul gets a lot of support for his positions on the economy.
He believes that the Federal Reserve should be abolished. He does not believe that the country should return to the gold standard, but he is very concerned about inflation, and he is often known as an inflation hawk. He has been warning about the threats of hyperinflation since 1981.
Ron Paul Social Views on Abortion and Gay Marriage
Paul is a pro-life supporter. He spoke at the National Right to Life Committee Convention in 2007. He pushed for legislation that would give states the right to decide if they want to support or oppose abortion laws. He opposes gay marriage, but he believes states should have the right to decide how to rule on the issue.
Ron Paul Foreign Policy Views
Ron Paul’s views are significantly different than most Republicans on foreign policy matters. He is a strong supporter of national sovereignty. He opposed the Iraq War Resolution of 2002. He does not believe the United States should be involved with the North American Free Trade Agreement, and he believes we should withdraw membership from the United Nations. He believes strong National sovereignty is more important. He believes that most of our military resources should be used to enforce border security. He did support military action against terrorists involved in the September 11th attacks, but he feels the attacks should have been more limited to targeting specific terrorists as opposed to invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
If someone asks you what does Ron Paul stand for, tell them he stands for responsible economic policies, strict interpretations of the Constitution, strong national sovereignty, and limited military involvement outside the United States. Many people cannot honestly answer what does Ron Paul believe, but he would be an excellent candidate to run against President Obama in 2012.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
What Does Michele Bachmann Stand For - Understanding Her Position on the Issues
What does Michele Bachmann stand for? What does Michele Bachmann believe? This is the question that many Republicans are asking right now as the Republican primaries heat up. Over the next few months, voters will begin learning all about the Republican candidates so that we know where they stand on the major issues of the campaign.
One of the things you do not want to do is to assume that you know how one of the candidates feels about a specific issue based on what the news media says. The news media tends to distort the facts, so you should do your own research. Luckily, I have already done all the hard work for you!
Let’s discuss where Michele Bachmann stands on the issues.
Michele Bachmann stands for energy exploration
Bachmann believes that we need to become less dependent on foreign oil. She believes our country should invest resources into finding more oil and other resources. She would vote for most energy exploration initiatives, and she is not hung up on theories like global warming and limited energy resources.
Bachmann also feels that we should also explore other energy resources like nuclear power, solar, and wind power. She thinks that the Environmental Protection Agency should not have as much power to restrict the exploration of new energy resources within our borders.
Bachmann has also taken a stand for traditional light bulbs. She introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act in Congress. This bill would have required the Government Accountability Office to prove that the new fluorescent bulbs have clear benefits over traditional light bulbs, and it would have also required that they are safe to use in homes.
Global Warming Position
Unlike her GOP rival Mitt Romney, she does not support global warming initiatives. She believes the whole movement is a scam, and she would definitely vote to eliminate restrictions that have been made based on the theories of global warming.
Bachmann stand on gay marriage amendment
Bachmann definitely wants to see an amendment to the Constitution banning same-sex marriages. She would veto any legislation supporting gay marriage or other homosexual agendas.
Her Christian heritage
Bachmann is a Christian, and it appears she bases her beliefs on Christian values. She is not afraid to share her faith with others. As of 2011, her family has been attending Eagle Brook Church, which is a church close to her home. Bachman graduated with a J.D. degree from Oral Roberts University in 1987. Oral Roberts University is a fundamental Christian school founded by the late Oral Roberts. She was also part of the faculty that moved Oral Roberts law school to Virginia to begin Regent University.
Foreign policy views
Bachmann believes that security in Israel is important for our foreign policy affairs. She would support strong military action if it is necessary in the Middle East. She has stated that did not necessarily agree with the Iraq troop surge of 2007, as she believes the public needed more information to justify our case for sending more troops into Iraq.
If you really want to learn what does Michele Bachmann stand for, you can look at her voting history to see what Bachmann believes on all of the major issues.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
What Does Mitt Romney Stand For
Learn what all the 2012 Republican Candidates believe!
As the GOP candidates gear up for a run against President Obama in 2012, many Republicans and conservatives want to know what does Mitt Romney stand for? Is this the guy we want running our country in 2013? Does he have the economic background to get our country back on the right track? Can he lead America back to greatness? Is he going to help us keep our energy prices down? We know a lot about Mitt Romney from his failed nomination bid in 2008, but he has a better chance to win the GOP nomination for 2012.
Mitt Romney on Energy Policies
Romney has publically stated that we are using too much oil, and he is in favor of exploring alternative energy sources like nuclear, ethanol, biodiesel, and coal gasification. He also favors oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He feels that the United States should be more independent and less reliant on foreign energy resources.
Mitt Romney on Immigration Policies
What does Mitt Romney stand for on immigration policies? Romney favors a strong legal immigration policy, and he favors deporting illegal aliens who have not followed the proper procedures for entering the country. He is against amnesty for illegal aliens, but at the same time, he does not feel we can round up all of the illegal aliens who have entered the country. He believes that the federal government should cut off funding to sanctuary cities that encourage illegal immigration.
Mitt Romney on Foreign Policy
Romney states he believes that the US Congress does not need to officially declare war to take military action. He believes that Guantanamo Bay should stay open. He is opposed to using torture as part of US military interrogation strategies, but he does approve of enhanced interrogation techniques. He has not specifically indicated whether he believes that waterboarding is torture, but he has stated he would refer to military experts on the subject.
Mitt Romney on Gun Control
Romney has stated that he supports the second amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which gives citizens the right to bear arms. Despite his views regarding the second amendment, he is in favor of a ban on assault weapons. He supported the Brady Bill in 1994. In earlier days, Romney did not support the NRA, but in 2008, he stated that he is a member of the NRA. He hunts small game in Utah, but he does believe in some gun restrictions.
Mitt Romney on Healthcare
Romney passed a statewide healthcare mandate for the state of Massachusetts when he was the Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007. He signed the bill in 2006 requires all Massachusetts residents to purchase healthcare coverage. This bill could complicate matters in his run for the presidency, as many conservatives want ObamaCare to be repealed if Obama is not re-elected in 2012. Romney has publically stated that he feels ObamaCare is not right for the United States, but he still supports his own state legislation from Massachusetts.
If you want to know what does Mitt Romney stand for, you don’t need to look any further than his recent statements since 2008. He is consistently moving more to the right as we close in on the 2012 elections.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Mitt Romney on the Issues for 2012
Leading source for Mitt Romney on the issues (and all the other Republican candidates!)
Where is Mitt Romney on the issues we care about in 2012? This is the question that many Republicans are asking these days as the 2012 Republican primaries get underway. Mitt Romney is clearly the front runner candidate for the GOP today, but there are other candidates who have a chance to win too. Romney and Sarah Palin are fairly well-known among most of the presidential hopefuls, so they have an advantage in the early Republican polls.
Let’s explore Mitt Romney on the issues that are important to everyone in 2012!
Debt Ceiling Decision of 2011
Mitt Romney has come out and stated that he did not support the recent agreement that Congress and the President reached on the debt ceiling. He believes that the measure opens the door to tax increases and military spending cuts, so he is not in favor of the legislation.
Global Warming
Romney takes a much more liberal view of global warming than most of the other candidates. He believes that global warming is a major issue for our country today, and he would support some global warming initiatives. His position on global warming has angered many conservatives that believe global warming is a hoax. Part of the reason Romney is viewed as a moderate is because of his views on global warming.
Romney used to support abortion rights. He stood with Republican Massachusetts Governor William Weld in 1994 when he stood for abortion rights and gay rights. Romney was registered as an independent until 1994. He has gradually moved to a more conservative position over the last 20 years, and he reversed his position on abortion in 2005. He states he changed his position because of his studies on stem cell research topics. Today he believes that abortion is destroying another human life.
Mitt Romney aligns himself with the Mormon faith, as he is a sixth generation member of the church. This does not sit well with some traditional evangelicals in the Republican Party, but Romney has publically stated he does not want people to vote for him because of his religion. Some people believe that this issue may hurt him in the Republican primaries, but Romney has made it a point to not make it a major issue in 2012.
Romney came out against the ObamaCare legislation. This is a difficult issue for Romney too because this legislation was largely based off his own healthcare initiative he passed when he was the Governor of Massachusetts. Romney’s recent positions indicate he is much more conservative on healthcare issues today than he was just a few years ago. Romney still supports his own healthcare plan passed in Massachusetts, and this is one of the issues that could be a problem for him during the primaries.
Economic Policies
He believes that the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent. He also believes that tax rates should be lowered for all Americans. He is decidedly pro-business and believes that the government is not responsible for creating jobs.
When it comes to Mitt Romney on the issues facing our country, he is a moderate candidate. He is not the favorite among the tea party, but he is the favorite among most Republicans.