Thursday, June 23, 2011

Obama Administration Accomplishments - His Economic Decisions Are Destroying the United States

There are many Obama administration accomplishments which I believe are not accomplishments at all. It is true that he has been able to push through many new policies and agendas since he was elected in 2008, but I can’t see how any of these new policies are benefiting anyone in the United States. He is destroying the private sector by pushing through many new hidden taxes and fees. Corporate America doesn’t know what to make of the new healthcare laws. Almost anyone can enter the continental United States through Mexico or Canada.

Myth #1: Obama fixed the healthcare system with ObamaCare.

Of all of the Obama administration accomplishments, this single new bill has the potential to completely destroy the United States economy. Our economy cannot handle all of the extra fees and regulations that this bill requires. In the end, everyone is going to pay more for healthcare than what they are paying now.

There are several provisions within the law that are going to severely hamper our quality of life. The law states that all adults under the age of 26 must be covered under their parent’s policy if they don’t have health insurance. Most insurance companies only cover youth over the age of 18 if they are in college. This new law will encourage adults to stay in college for a few more years since they won’t have to pay for healthcare. The new healthcare law requires businesses to provide healthcare to all employees or pay a penalty.

ObamaCare also requires that all children be covered under any policy without regard for pre-existing conditions. In order for health insurance companies to be able to provide this coverage, they have to drastically increase their rates. Large corporations and small businesses will not be able to pay these new higher insurance rates, so they will drop healthcare coverage and pay the penalty fees for not providing insurance for their employees. Of all of the Obama administration accomplishments, this has had one of the biggest effects on the economy today.

Myth #2: Obama is protecting us from another oil spill with the drilling moratorium in the Gulf.

This is just another way to artificially regulate our energy prices. He says that he is trying to protect us from destroying our Gulf shores, but he is giving billions of dollars to George Soros to drill for oil in Venezuela. If he really cared about protecting the environment, he wouldn’t be supporting oil drilling in other countries. There are enough oil reserves within the United States for us not to be dependent on oil reserves from other countries. Of all of the Obama administration accomplishments, this is causing us the most number of issues.

Myth #3: Obama created many jobs with his economic stimulus package.

Obama’s stimulus package has not resulted in more jobs. The unemployment rate is above 9%, and the total number of jobs has decreased steadily in the last few years. Many experts estimate that the real unemployment rate is much higher than 9%, and it does not take into account the people that have stopped looking for work. The failure of the stimulus package to create jobs has caused the Fed to print billions of new dollars in an attempt to stimulate the economy. This has caused the value of the dollar to fall, and this has resulted in higher gas prices too.

There are many other Obama administration accomplishments that have put the United States on the wrong track. The military did capture Osama Bin Laden under Obama’s watch, but former President Bush set these events into motion.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is Sarah Palin Running For President in 2012 – There are Valid Arguments for Either Case

Is Sarah Palin running for president in 2012? It depends on who you ask! Many people seem to think she is definitely running, but other people think she is definitely not running. I would argue that she is going to influence the election of 2012 regardless of whether she is running for President or not. Her star power among Republicans and the Tea Party movement makes her a force to be reckoned with. If she runs, she will be one of the front runners for the GOP nomination. If she does not run, her endorsement of one of the other candidates could send that candidate to the nomination.

Without further ado, it is time to answer the million dollar question. Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012?

Here are the reasons Palin is running for President in 2012:

1. Palin recently went on a bus tour around the United States. She visited many of the key political states that will make determine the GOP nominee for 2012. Some of the states she visited included Iowa and New Hampshire. It would not make sense for her to go on a bus tour if she was not seriously considering a run. The bus tour is an unofficial presidential exploratory study that she is running to see if she has a chance to win the nomination.

2. She has not stated whether or not she is running. If Palin was definitely not running, she wouldn’t keep everyone guessing.

3. She has purchased a house in Arizona. This resolves many of the logistical hurdles she would face if she tried to run a campaign from Alaska. It is much easier to travel around the continental 48 states.

Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012?

Here are the reasons Palin is not running for President in 2012:

1. Palin has a great life today. She is making millions of dollars from her book, her TV show, her speaking engagements, and everything else she is doing now. Why would she want to give up all that money and fame to run a grueling campaign? She doesn’t need to run for President for financial reasons or promotional reasons.

2. She is not the leading GOP candidate in the polls. Mitt Romney is getting the most support, and Herman Cain is tied with Palin in most polls.

3. Many of the leading voices in conservative news and radio say they do not think she is running. Many of these leading voices like Glenn Beck, Shawn Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh have probably had private conversations with her that lead them to have these opinions about her aspirations for 2012.

Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012? You can definitely make arguments either way. It will likely be several weeks before we know for sure if she is running.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2012 Presidential Candidates

There has been a lot of speculation about the 2012 presidential candidates for the GOP.  Most of the candidates have already announced their candidacy for this year, and other candidates are still deciding whether to run.  Some of the most popular candidates mentioned this year have been Sarah Palin and Donald Trump, but the GOP includes many other hopefuls who want to run against President Obama in 2012.
Here is a look at some of the candidates who could run against Obama in 2012:

Mitt Romney
Former Governor Mitt Romney is one of the leading 2012 presidential candidates running for the GOP this year.  He is considered to be one of the front running candidates for the nomination this year.  Romney is a great public speaker, and he has the name recognition that many of the candidates lack.  He narrowly lost the nomination in 2008 when John McCain won, and he is near the top of the early exit polls. 
Romney does not come without his share of baggage.  Romney presided over Massachusetts when they had their own healthcare mandate.  ObamaCare used the Massachusetts universal healthcare law as a model for the rest of the United States.  Romney was still defending his healthcare views as late as 2007, so he will have to admit his own Massachusetts’ law was a failure to run against ObamaCare in 2012.  His best chance to win is if Sarah Palin decides to drop out of the race this year.  If Palin does not run or drops out, he is the favorite among the 2012 presidential candidates.

Sarah Palin
Of all of the 2012 presidential candidates, Sarah Palin has the most name recognition.  The media has covered her every move for years since the 2008 election loss.  She is well liked by most conservative voters, but the democrats hate her. Unlike most of the other candidates (except Donald Trump), most people have already formed their opinions about her.  She is definitely one of the leading 2012 presidential candidates.

Donald Trump
Is he running for president? Will he run as a third party candidate?  While he may not be a true Republican candidate, he has the potential to hand the race to President Obama in 2012 if he runs as a third candidate.  Since Donald Trump has been flipping back and forth on running for office this year, he should be considered a threat for the Republican party until election day in 2012.  

Herman Cain
Herman Cain is an intriguing candidate.  He is not well known, but he has a strong conservative record.  He can neutralize any racist allegations against the GOP in 2012, and he seems to have great ideas for this year.  He doesn’t carry the baggage that many of the other candidates have, and he leads the field among church going Republicans.  Herman Cain is one of the 2012 presidential candidates that has a great chance to win the nomination.  

Ron Paul          
Ron Paul is an interesting candidate, but he may not have everything it takes to win the nomination.   There are a few things running against him.  He will be 77 years old in August 2012.  I don’t see any way this doesn’t work against him.  His views on the military are the biggest reason he may not win the nomination.  He is not a pro-military candidate, and that simply won’t sit well with many Republicans voters. 

There are other 2012 presidential candidates that could emerge.  Michelle Bachmann, Former Governor Tim Pawlenty, former governor Gary Johnson, Rick Santorum, and former governor Jon Huntsman of Utah all have a chance to win the nomination.  History has not been kind to candidates running against incumbent presidents, but these 2012 presidential candidates have a chance to win against Obama in 2012.

News Around The World Today – These Are The Best Sites To Find News

There are many people looking for news around the world today.  As the information age continues to expand, there are many people who are looking for other ways to get the news.  The mainstream American media does not always cover all of the world events, so there is still a major void in the media for people looking for alternate media sources.  Not everyone cares about the latest Lindsay Lohan arrest or the latest Charlie Sheen outburst, and many people want to know what is really happening in Israel.  The 2012 presidential campaign is almost here, and everyone is waiting to see who the candidates will be. Here are some of the major sources for news around the world today.
Fox News is perhaps the most powerful news organization in the world today.  Their viewership on television is higher than CNN and MSNBC combined, and they claim to have commentators that represent both points of view.  Many former anchors of other networks have moved over to Fox News, and they are trusted more than the other cable news networks.  While Fox News does have great coverage, they spend a little too much time on stories about celebrities.  They are a decent source of news around the world today.  If you are someone that loves great political news sources, there are better options available. News
CNN is the oldest news division among the major American cable news networks, but their viewership is down considerably over the last few years. still receives over 20 million hits a month, so they get plenty of traffic to their sites.  They are not a great source of great conservative news.  Even though they claim to represent both sides of the political spectrum, they tend to have a more liberal slant. News
They are well known for liberal news.  They have made it clear that they support Democrat candidates.  They never represent conservative news, and the lack of traffic on MSNBC is evidence of this.  They get a small fraction of the traffic that CNN and gets every day. is a great source of great conservative news around the world today.  They have a huge focus on conservative news commentary, and they are one of the top conservative news sources today.  They are well known for conservative blogs and political cartoons.  They don’t spend a lot of time covering the latest celebrity news, but they tell you what you need to know about your politicians. is very similar to, but they come at issues from more of an editorial perspective.  They provide great opinions for news around the world today for those people that come from a conservative frame of mind.

When it comes to getting your news around the world today, be sure to check out other news sites besides,, and MSNBC.  This will give you a more complete perspective on the world that is not driven by television ratings or big profits.  The days of cable news supremacy are over with all of the new sources of information available today.