Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Does Rick Pery Stand For If He Runs in 2012

What does Rick Perry stand for? Millions of Republicans and conservatives are asking this question as the 2012 elections draw closer. At the time of this writing, he has not officially announced his intentions for next year, but it appears that Perry is going to run. It makes plenty of sense for him to run. The polls show he is already one of the strongest candidates in the GOP field.

If you are wondering what does Rick Perry stand for, you have come to the right place! Let’s discuss his stance on the major issues of conservatives in 2012.


Christians are extremely passionate about this issue, and the right candidate for the GOP should stand for pro-life causes. Perry is strongly pro-life. He opposes the government policy of funding abortions. He has also signed a bill in Texas where teenage girls under the age of 18 must get parental consent before deciding to get an abortion. In 2011, Perry signed the Mandatory Ultrasound Bill. This bill requires a woman who wants to get an abortion to go through an ultrasound where she sees images on the sonogram of her unborn child and hears the baby’s heartbeat.

Religious Beliefs

Rick Perry is an evangelical Christian. He forms his beliefs primarily on Christian principles. On a couple of occasions, Rick Perry has declared times of prayer and fasting. He declared June 6, 2011 as a time of fasting and prayer. Perry regularly attends different church services in Texas to speak. He also called for a time of prayer in April 2011 to pray for rain for Texas. He believes that intelligent design should be taught in the school system along with evolution. He does not believe that the government should establish an official religion as the government taxes everyone the same.

The Role of Government in Society

Governor Rick Perry supports limited central government. He feels that the current Federal government is bloated and needs to be cut back.

Global Warming and Other Environmental Issues

Governor Perry believes that there is no substantial evidence of global warming. He feels that scientists have not concluded that global warming is a real problem in our society today. He believes that global warming is a lot of media hype, and he is staunchly opposed to passing legislation that supports climate change initiatives.

Fiscal Policies

Texas is one of the states that does‘t have a state income tax, and Governor Perry has opposed any attempts to create an income tax for Texas. He is a fiscal conservative that stands for conservative fiscal values in most cases. He is very strong on job creation, as Texas leads the nation in new jobs created since 2003. It has created 73.4 % of the nation’s jobs since 2006. This is huge as many Americans are out of work today.

What does Rick Perry stand for? Perry stands for pro-life, fiscal conservative values, social conservatives, and limited government. He is one of the best candidates for the Tea Party Movement.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Michele Bachmann Positions - Identifying Her Stance On the Major Positions

Do you know where Michele Bachmann positions herself among conservatives? With her surge in the polls, many people are just learning about her. There are many strong contenders among the Republican presidential candidates. 2012 is almost here, and Bachmann appears to be one of the strongest candidates. If you pay attention to the news, you may have heard her name over the years, but you may not know where she stands on the issues. Let’s take a few minutes to review where she stands on the major issues.

Bachmann Position on Abortion
Bachmann has stated that she is adamantly opposed to abortion. She believes in the rights of the unborn child, and she is morally opposed to the idea of aborting an unborn child. In 1976, she joined a pro-life movement where she engaged in sidewalk counseling. Sidewalk counseling is where pro-life activists will approach women entering an abortion clinic to try to persuade them not to get an abortion. Bachmann also recently revealed that she had a miscarriage many years ago, and this helped shape her pro-life views. In recent years, she has publically stated that she would support any bill that supports abortion only in the case of rape or incest.

Bachmann Position on Gay Marriage
Bachmann has a long standing history of supporting marriage as between a man and a woman. There is no question that she opposes gay marriage. In 2003 while she was a state senator for Minnesota, she supported a Minnesota constitutional amendment that would prohibit Minnesota from passing laws supporting homosexual marriages. The proposal never gained enough traction to become law, but she established her formal position on the issue. Michele Bachmann positions herself well among social conservatives.

Bachmann’s View Regarding the Debt Ceiling
At the time of this writing, Congress is debating whether to raise the debt ceiling. Bachmann is staunchly opposed to raising the debt ceiling under any conditions. She believes that it goes against common sense to support raising the debt ceiling. She believes that there needs to be major cuts in Washington D.C.

Bachmann’s View on the Iraq Troop Surge
Bachmann doesn’t seem to support strong military action in Iraq. She was opposed to President Bush’s troop surge in Iraq in 2007 because she felt the American public did not have enough information to justify the increase in troops.

Bachmann and other views on foreign policy
She is a strong supporter of Israel. She believes that we should support Israel first and foremost when it comes to the Middle East. She believes that diplomacy is an option too, but she doesn’t believe that anything should be taken off the table.

Bachmann on global warming
In her mind, global warming is a scam. This is important because her major competitor in the 2012 race, Mitt Romney, has stated that he believes in the theory of global warming.

Energy policy views
Bachmann wants to decrease our dependence on foreign energy. She supports continued oil exploration within our own borders. She recognizes that we need to spend more time exploring other energy sources like solar, wind, and more nuclear power.

Bachmann is one of the strongest Republican presidential candidates. 2012 is almost here, and she has a great chance to win the nomination. If you really want to learn the Michele Bachmann positions on all of the important issues, you can find plenty of information on her at leading news and commentary sites. Not all news sites will portray her in the same light, so keep this in mind as you learn about her. If you want to understand what both sides think about Bachmann, then you should read news on both conservative and liberal news sites. Michele Bachmann positions herself as the leading Tea Party candidate, and she could win the election in 2012.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

2012 Republican Presidential Candidates - Evaluating the candidates in the campaign

The 2012 Republican presidential candidates are gearing up for the Republican primaries in early 2012. It will not be too much longer before we all know who is going to oppose Barack Obama for the 2012 Presidential election. Many candidates have thrown their hat in the ring, and there are still a couple of uncertain candidates at the time of this writing. Overall, United States citizens have a pretty good idea of who the challengers are for the 2012 election.

There are some candidates whom I feel have a great chance to win the nomination in 2012. Mitt Romney is obviously one of those candidates. He has the look and feel of a Presidential candidate. He almost won the nomination in 2008 before John McCain stole the victory. Romney probably only has one or two more opportunities to be a legitimate contender in the GOP race, so this could be his time to shine. Romney is widely seen as the leader among the 2012 Republican presidential candidates.

He is very popular among the moderates in the Republican Party. He is not seen as a favorite among the Tea Party. While Romney is pro-life, he also was a major advocate of universal health care within the state of Massachusetts when he was a governor in the early 2000s. Romney has tried to distance himself from support of ObamaCare legislation, but he is more left leaning than most of his colleagues. Mitt Romney still supports Global Warming initiatives. Overall, Romney is the leading candidate among the moderates in the Republican Party.

The biggest question mark among the 2012 Republican presidential candidates is Governor Rick Perry of Texas. He would certainly be a popular candidate if he decides to run for President in 2012. Many people outside of Texas are not very familiar with Rick Perry, but he may be the most conservative Republican in the race.

He is a professed born again Christian, and he openly endorses a Constitutional amendment for recognizing marriage as between a man and a woman. He has been re-elected as Texas Governor three times, and he has never lost an election. He presides over a state that leads the nation in job creation. This is remarkable considering the direction of the United States economy. Rick Perry has an excellent chance to win the nomination if he runs against the other 2012 Republican presidential candidates.

Everyone is wondering about the aspirations of Sarah Palin. She has not officially announced her intentions for 2012, so the public doesn’t know if she is really among the 2012 Republican presidential candidates. It is my personal opinion that she will run for 2012. If she was not going to run, there wouldn’t be any reasons for her to delay her announcement. Most people believe she is not running in 2012, but I tend to disagree. With Michele Bachmann running for President in 2012, I believe this hurts the chances of Sarah Palin winning the nomination.

Michele Bachmann has an excellent chance to win the nomination too. She appeals to Tea Party supporters, and she is also a born again Christian. She stands for conservative causes, and she is getting a lot of support from the evangelicals.

There are several 2012 Republican presidential candidates that don’t have a chance to win. Newt Gingrich doesn’t appear to be serious about his candidacy. He has lost most of his campaign staff in recent weeks. Herman Cain has also lost some of his campaign staff, and he has been falling in recent polls. Tim Pawlenty hasn’t generated much buzz either, so he doesn’t appear to have a legitimate chance to win the nomination. Ron Paul has run in the past, and he doesn’t seem to have much support among Republicans.

There are many 2012 Republican presidential candidates who have an excellent chance to run against President Obama. The leading candidates appear to be Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Mitt Romney. We will soon know which one of the 2012 Republican presidential candidates will run against Obama.