Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Does Rick Perry Believe On the Issues Voters Really Care About

Go learn more about what does Rick Perry believe!

What does Rick Perry believe on the issues voters care about? Let’s be honest here for a second. Many people are out of work. Other people have jobs, but they aren’t making enough money to pay the bills. You might love your job and love your income, but you are stuck in a house that is under water. It is estimated that over 25% of all homeowners are underwater on their homes, and this presents many challenges for people who need to move.

People care about healthcare and how it is handled. Polls have shown over and over again that people don’t want ObamaCare. Businesses hate ObamaCare because they aren’t going to be able to afford to pay for all these new burdensome regulations associated with healthcare, and that means many companies are going to have to drop employee paid health benefits in the coming years.

In my opinion, the economy is the big issue that most voters care about more than anything else. It’s the economy stupid! Jobs, the housing market, and healthcare all play huge factors in the health of the economy.

What does Rick Perry believe on the issues voters care about?

Governor Rick Perry on Job Growth
Perry has a stellar track record on job creation. As the Governor of Texas, Perry’s state leads the nation in job growth over the past few years. While jobs have been disappearing across the country, many businesses have relocated to Texas because of their business friendly environment. Perry has demonstrated an ability to drive new jobs in the state even when the rest of the country can’t seem to find work.

This phenomenon has been dubbed the “The Texas Miracle”. While many states have been losing population, Texas is gaining population quickly. There are 739,000 new people living in Texas since the beginning of 2008. Many other states are losing population, but Texas continues to grow fast.

Texas has created more jobs than any state over the past three and a half years. Some states have actually lost jobs in this time. Even though their unemployment rate is at 8.2% at the time of this writing, their unemployment rate is higher than some other states because their population is increasing rapidly.

Governor Perry and the Housing Market
The state of Texas has some of the most affordable housing in the country. You can purchase a 2,000 sq. ft. house for $140,000 here, and that attracts more people to live in Texas.

Unlike most of the rest of the United States, Texas hasn’t seen the same fluctuations in the housing market.

While it is somewhat unclear how Perry might try to solve the housing crisis, it is clear that Perry’s economic policies would serve to stimulate the housing market by creating jobs and encouraging small business growth.

Perry on Healthcare
What does Rick Perry believe about healthcare? Perry has said he is firmly against Obamacare. In the recent GOP debate at the Reagan Presidential Library, he said he wants to do away with Obamacare, and he believes that the new healthcare laws are keeping unemployment high.

If you really want to know what does Rick Perry believe, then you need to study up on all of the issues on your own! Perry has a long track record as the Governor of Texas, so voters won’t have to guess about Perry on the issues if he is elected the next President of the United States.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Does Ron Paul Stand For

Many conservatives know what Mitt Romney stands for, but what does Ron Paul stand for? What does Ron Paul believe? Ron Paul is a different kind of Republican. He often leans more as a libertarian candidate than as a Republican. He does not fit all of the standard GOP positions, but he is strong on issues that matter to most Republicans. He is most well-known for his positions on military and the economy, and many people like what he says. He is the candidate most likely to run as a third party candidate if he doesn’t win the GOP nomination. This could be detrimental to the likely Republican nominee if he pulls too much support from the elected Presidential candidate.

So…do you want to know what does Ron Paul stand for? Here we go!

Ron Paul on states’ rights

Ron Paul is a strong supporter of states’ rights. He believes that the states should be much more powerful than they are today. He believes the individual states should be able to make their own decisions regarding any social matters that are not explicitly directed by the constitution. He thinks the death penalty should be regulated by the states. He also believes the states should make their own decisions about education and marriage too. He even believes states should be able to make their own decisions regarding drug use like medical marijuana.

Ron Paul economic policy

If you want to know what does Ron Paul stand for, you first need to know where he stands on economic policies. Ron Paul has written six books on Austrian school economics. Paul always votes against tax increases. Ron Paul is against raising taxes under any circumstances. He even feels that the country should abolish the state income tax, and he believes this can be done if we scale back the spending in the Federal government to 2000 levels. Ron Paul gets a lot of support for his positions on the economy.

He believes that the Federal Reserve should be abolished. He does not believe that the country should return to the gold standard, but he is very concerned about inflation, and he is often known as an inflation hawk. He has been warning about the threats of hyperinflation since 1981.

Ron Paul Social Views on Abortion and Gay Marriage

Paul is a pro-life supporter. He spoke at the National Right to Life Committee Convention in 2007. He pushed for legislation that would give states the right to decide if they want to support or oppose abortion laws. He opposes gay marriage, but he believes states should have the right to decide how to rule on the issue.

Ron Paul Foreign Policy Views

Ron Paul’s views are significantly different than most Republicans on foreign policy matters. He is a strong supporter of national sovereignty. He opposed the Iraq War Resolution of 2002. He does not believe the United States should be involved with the North American Free Trade Agreement, and he believes we should withdraw membership from the United Nations. He believes strong National sovereignty is more important. He believes that most of our military resources should be used to enforce border security. He did support military action against terrorists involved in the September 11th attacks, but he feels the attacks should have been more limited to targeting specific terrorists as opposed to invading Iraq and Afghanistan.

If someone asks you what does Ron Paul stand for, tell them he stands for responsible economic policies, strict interpretations of the Constitution, strong national sovereignty, and limited military involvement outside the United States. Many people cannot honestly answer what does Ron Paul believe, but he would be an excellent candidate to run against President Obama in 2012.